First Table Read Held for ‘Annem Ankara’ Starring Bergüzar Korel and Mehmet Günsür

The first script reading for the upcoming BKM series Annem Ankara, set to air on Kanal D this season, has taken place. Starring Bergüzar Korel and Mehmet Günsür, the series follows the struggle of a single mother in 1990s Ankara.
Based on a true story, Annem Ankara tells the journey of a lonely yet determined woman fighting for survival within her home. The series is written by Başak Angigün and directed by Faruk Teber.
The cast includes names such as Özgürcan Çevik, Gökçe Eyüboğlu, Sinem Uslu, Yıldıray Şahinler, Gülhan Tekin, Muharrem Türkseven, Mustafa Açılan, Fatma Toptaş, Dilek Çelebi, Durukan Çelikkaya, Ezgi Gör, Selen Özbayrak, Başak Akan, Mustafa Enis Bilir, Hakan Akın, and Celile Toyon.