Bülent Polat on ‘Valley of Hearts’ – Exclusive Interview

When you first read Valley of Hearts, what did it make you feel, and what aspects of the project impressed you the most?
Bülent Polat: The fact that it was written by Yıldız Tunç and being filmed in Cappadocia.
Bünyamin works at the Şansalan Mansion and is a tricky character who tries to stay on top of everything happening around him. Could you tell us a bit about Bünyamin in your own words?
Bülent Polat: I’m also discovering and developing Bünyamin as I read each new episode. He’s a character that no one takes seriously and who acts entirely based on his own interests.
Bülent Polat: “Our screenwriters are able to write multi-dimensional stories of the ordinary people surrounding the main plot.”
Valley of Hearts centers on themes like the absence of a mother and a father, family conflicts, love, struggle, and revenge, and it’s careful not to portray its characters as one-dimensional. What would you like to say about this?
Bülent Polat: Our screenwriters are able to write multi-dimensional stories of the ordinary people surrounding the main plot.
You are in Cappadocia for Valley of Hearts, a truly exceptional place. How is it living and working in Cappadocia?
Bülent Polat: Cappadocia is a place I’ve been coming to for many years. It’s a wonderful place where I enjoy spending time and going horseback riding. Since it’s a cultural tourism destination I get the chance to meet people from all over the world.

Valley of Hearts will be introduced at MIPCOM, one of the world’s most important content markets. What would you like to say to your audience in Türkiye and around the world?
Bülent Polat: I’m presenting a story to them, and I hope they enjoy it and follow along our story. I’m excited.