Exclusive Interview | Sibel Taşçıoğlu

 Exclusive Interview | Sibel Taşçıoğlu

In an exclusive interview with Sibel Taşçıoğlu, the talented actress portraying Pembe in the acclaimed Turkish series One Love, we delved into the intricacies of her character’s journey across two gripping seasons. From Pembe’s unwavering dedication to her family to her struggles with control and prejudice, Sibel Taşçıoğlu offered insights into the evolving dynamics within the series

One Love has consistently ranked among the top 3 most viewed and discussed TV series in Türkiye for the past two seasons. How do you perceive the character Pembe and the series One Love within the context of your career, and what significance does it hold for you?

One Love is a very special series that has been appreciated by the audience for two seasons. It is important that it attracts so much attention and appreciation because it is based on a social reality. It is also important for me because it is different from the characters I have played before. Therefore, it will always have a special place in my career and in my heart.

Pembe is a woman who has devoted her whole life to her children and her husband, so she wants to control their lives. She also has serious prejudices against those who are not like her. However, she is also struggles with her marriage in season 2. How would you describe Pembe in the two seasons in terms of the ways she changes?

Pembe is a woman who always tries to keep her family together. This season, despite all her efforts, she is going through a difficult test as the family unity begins to disintegrate. The problems she had to face compared to last season put her in a completely different mood and struggle.

sibel taşçıoğlu
Sibel Taşçıoğlu in ‘One Love’

Sibel Taşçıoğlu: ”It’s not a work where a single person is the star, but each character is the star of their own story.”

One Love isn’t like those works where two characters take center stage and side characters simply develop the plot. It shows us the characters’ journeys, their dilemmas, and their decisions. This focus on a well-rounded cast makes the series so strong. What kind of experience is it for you to be part of such a talented group in a multi-character story?

Yes, it really is. It’s not a work where a single person is the star, but each character is the star of their own story. Of course, such works are now appreciated by the audience. I have acted in works with such a strong cast before and I wish to always be in such productions.

The series’ international sales are also thriving. There’s an important event coming up at MIPTV. How are you feeling about MIPTV? Also, what were the most interesting comments you’ve received about One Love from international audiences?

The appreciation of Turkish TV series abroad has increased a lot recently. This makes us all proud. It also makes us happy that our series is also appreciated. I receive many messages on social media. In general, the common feature of all of them is that they tell their own stories by saying “The same thing happened to me”.

In its first season, One Love tackled the contrasting worldviews of two families, exploring their interactions and the characters’ reactions to unfolding events. It was the first time we saw the issues in Turkish society so openly in a TV series. Do you think the first season was challenging for audiences abroad in this respect?

Every society has different family structures. In every country of the world, these differences emerge especially during the marriage of young people. I am sure that audiences abroad will find many things that they can empathize with from themselves and their society while watching the series.

This exclusive interview with Sibel Taşçıoğlu was published in Episode’s MIPTV 2024 issue.


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