Işıl Yücesoy Shares Insights into Her Role as Nihayet in ‘Valley of Hearts’ – Exclusive Interview

When you first read Valley of Hearts, what did it make you feel, and what aspects of the project impressed you the most?
Işıl Yücesoy: I must admit something; as an artist with 55 years in the profession, I can say that this role, the character of “Nihayet”, is one that comes along only a few times in one’s career. From the first read, it struck me as the kind of role that signals just how far an actor can go, how many dimensions they can bring to a character, and how many moods they can embody within it. For an artist, it’s a role that offers a chance to reach new levels and explore deeper layers. What’s more, Nihayet is not a solitary character; she has the chance to blend with other characters around her, never allowing for isolation. The professionalism and accuracy of the cast also give a sense of hope and the possibility of achieving something significant together as a team. For me, Nihayet is a role that will bring immense joy to play and offer so much to an actor.
Işıl Yücesoy: “I can say that this role, the character of ‘Nihayet’, is one that comes along only a few times in one’s career.”
Nihayet holds a very important place in the lives of her daughter Sumru and her grandchildren. You could even say she’s the most influential figure at Şansalan Mansion. How would you describe Nihayet?
Işıl Yücesoy: When interpreting Nihayet, I didn’t initially view her as simply authoritarian, dominant, or powerful on her own. I saw her as a mother who would make any sacrifice for her children and grandchildren, even going as far as doing something morally questionable. I thought of her layers as including a touch of sweet comedy, a hint of feigned innocence, and an essential source of power that she must use. I thought it essential to reflect her as someone both dangerously ambitious and hypocritical, with a biting sarcasm rooted in her intelligence and self-confidence. I approached her this way because I believe no person is entirely good or bad. Human beings show a range of psychological, mental, and behavioral diversity according to circumstances. I wanted to bring these layers to life in Nihayet, to make her relatable, someone the audience could recognize, someone who feels like a part of us, living among us. Perhaps even one of those familiar personalities we encounter in our own lives.
We actually see three different representations of motherhood in Valley of Hearts. Sumru tries to maintain a balanced relationship with her children, but it’s revealed that Ms. Nihayet encouraged Cihan to leave home as a child, and she’s overly ambitious for both Sumru and her grandchildren. Hikmet, on the other hand, pressures her daughter to marry someone she doesn’t love. What do you think the characters Nihayet, Sumru, and Hikmet will confront the audience with regarding the always-debatable concept of motherhood?
Işıl Yücesoy: We have a script here that has carefully detailed and prepared these distinct character types, ready to be presented to the audience. The characters portrayed are based on real life, people we might occasionally come across or, when we think about any one of the characters, we can find ourselves saying, “Oh, doesn’t she remind you of so-and-so?” Yıldız Tunç’s approach of immersing these women in such intricate emotional turmoil and in dynamics driven by self-interest, and attempting to make them feel alive, relatable, and like one of us is, in my opinion, a meticulous approach that signals the success of the script. I personally congratulate and thank her for it.
The young cast members of the series portray your grandchildren. What would you like say about these young actors?
Işıl Yücesoy: I’m proud of each of them. They are hardworking, dedicated, and meticulous young people. Their energy, professionalism on set, respectfulness, and daily efforts to improve themselves give me hope for their future, and for the future of our television and art worlds.

You are in Cappadocia for Valley of Hearts, a truly exceptional place. How is it living and working in Cappadocia?
Işıl Yücesoy: I’m so happy personally, Valley of Hearts is actually the third series I’ve filmed in this region. As you said, it’s a very magical place. The people here are warm-hearted, respectful, always eager to help, and incredibly kind. Being here really gives me a breath of fresh air and makes me feel at peace.
Valley of Hearts will be introduced at MIPCOM, one of the world’s most important content markets. What would you like to say to your audience in Türkiye and around the world?
Işıl Yücesoy: No matter which country our viewers are watching from or where they come from, if they look beyond the local and geographic elements and focus on the human side of this story, it won’t feel unfamiliar to them. These men, these women, and these events are relatable experiences that happen everywhere. And with Cappadocia’s visual magic adding another layer, I hope Valley of Hearts becomes truly captivating for them.
Işıl Yücesoy: Thank you so much for your interest in our series. I wish you all the best. With love and respect.