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Turkish TV Series and Figures in 2023

In 2023, 70 series came to the screens on Turkish television. While 40 of these 70 series finalised within the year, 30 of them continue their broadcasting life. Just like in 2022, the most watched series of Turkish television in 2023 was An Anatolian Tale. The series, which started its airing in 2020, ranked at the top with an average rating of 9.17 in the 20+ABC1 category. Although the series, like One Love and Golden Boy, did not reach the highest ratings of the year in this category, it maintained its leadership with its stable performance and the effect of maintaining its mass audience.
The phenomenon series One Love, which started to rise in 2023 and ranked first in the last quarter of the year, was the closest follower of the summit. The series, which aired 35 episodes throughout the year, ranked second with an average of 9.13, signalling that it will remain in the leadership race in 2024.

Marking the first six months of 2023, Golden Boy, which achieved three of the four highest ratings of the year, finished the season in third place with an average rating of 8.92.
In 2023, 36 series started to air. The most series started in September (7 series), followed by January, June and December (6 series each).
The Family, which brought Serenay Sarıkaya and Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ together, had the highest debut of the season with an 8.82 rating in the 20+ABC1 category. Despite starting the season below the 4 rating limit, The Brave and Wild Heart series became the winners of the day with the rise they achieved in a short time.

Red Roses, which brought Özgü Namal back to the screens after a 10-year break and shared the lead role with Özcan Deniz, achieved the highest debut of the year with an increase of 2.56 points in its second episode. I Am Mother, the drama series starring Özge Özpirinçci and Demet Akbağ, showed a similar success with 2.43 points in its second episode.
The Ottoman, The Shadow Team and Family Secrets, which made an impression with their strong performances last year, continued their successful performance in 2023 and took their place in the list of the 10 most watched series of the year. The new series of the year, Ömer and The Family, found a place among the Top 10 series with their debut in a short time. Chrysalis, which has been in the race for the top in this category for the past two seasons, exceeded the 7 rating average despite being in its final season.

In 2023, 30 different production companies produced series for television. Of these 30 companies, the two companies that produced the highest number of series were OGM Pictures and Ay Yapım with 6 series each. O3 Medya closely followed the summit with five series. Fox TV was the channel that aired the highest number of series (19 series), while Kanal D and ATV shared second place with 11 series each.
In addition to television, the digital platform market continued to be active in Türkiye. While 55 series were broadcast on digital platforms in 2023, the total number of episodes of these series was recorded as 476. Naturally, the digital platform of the public broadcaster TRT 1 was the “platform with the highest number of series”, with 29 series broadcast throughout the year. Domestic platform BluTV was the closest follower of the summit with 10 series, while Netflix ranked third with 8 series.
This content was published in the Content Americas Edition of Episode