‘Esas Oğlan’ Begins Filming: Coming Soon to GAİN

 ‘Esas Oğlan’ Begins Filming: Coming Soon to GAİN

Filming has started for GAİN‘s new series Esas Oğlan, (The Main Guy) starring Hadise, Seda Bakan, Şükrü Özyıldız, and Serhat Teoman.


What happens when two completely different women with struggling love lives come together in search of “the Main Guy”?

About ‘Esas Oğlan’

Actress Ceren (Hadise) is an incurable romantic, while risk analyst Selma (Seda Bakan) is a realist to the point of exhaustion. Ceren needs to think logically to find the right man, while Selma needs to let her emotions flow freely. These two women, who have completely different views on relationships and contrasting personalities, make a decision, and the story begins right at this point.

serhat teoman
Serhat Teoman
esas oğlan şükrü özyıldız
Şükrü Özyıldız

Produced by BKM and co-written by Meryem Gültabak and Cihan Çalışkantürk, the series is directed by Şenol Sönmez.


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