Turkish TV Industry Faces Major Shift: Summer Series Suspended Due to Rising Costs

 Turkish TV Industry Faces Major Shift: Summer Series Suspended Due to Rising Costs

Türkiye, the world’s third-largest exporter of TV series after the United States and the United Kingdom, seems poised for a significant shift in its television landscape this summer. Rising production costs have led producers and channels to make a tough decision: suspending summer series.

Rising Production Costs Force Turkish TV Producers to Cancel Summer Series

Reports suggest that the cost of producing a single episode has exceeded 10 million Turkish Lira (310,000.00 USD), yet advertising revenues haven’t seen a proportional increase. This situation has prompted producers and channels to suspend summer series.

summer series
Photo: Dizilah

While the new season is scheduled to begin in September, another challenge may arise: a decrease in the number of series for the new season. Producers and channels may explore alternative methods to control costs, some channels may focus on formats or airing reruns of old series to cut down expenses.

The decision to suspend series production for the summer appears to be a major change in the Turkish TV industry. Despite preparations for the new season, producers and channels are confronted with the reality that the number of series may decrease.


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