Inter Medya Expands Its Mini-Series Catalogue with a Major Agreement with EXXEN
This Membership Agreement (“Agreement”) governs the terms and conditions for the Member’s use of the website between Mylos Publishing Group -Publishing Consultancy Services LTD. (“Episode”) and third parties who log into and/or become members of the site (“website”).
By logging into the website and/or as a member, the Member acknowledges and declares that he/she has read the entire Use Agreement with all its annexes, understands its contents in its entirety and approves all its provisions, and will also comply with the other conditions and applicable legislation set forth on the website.
In the text of the contract,
Episode: Mylos Publishing Group -Publishing Consultancy Services Limited Company, which is a party to this Agreement and owns the website;
Content: All kinds of audiovisual works and advertisements to be determined exclusively by Episode, which are determined exclusively by Episode and uploaded to the website and made available to third parties;
Web site: The website where all rights belong to Episode and which will be determined by Episode and will be made available to third parties;
Contract: This Membership Agreement;
Member: Persons/persons who are members of the website by providing the information requested by Episode and accepting this Agreement, who can log into the website with their username and password, who use the website, subsites and who benefit from the Content, who are party to this Agreement;
2.1. Real persons wishing to become members of the Website carefully read the terms of this Agreement; by filling in the membership information in accordance with their own truthful, complete and as necessary and by marking the “acceptance” button on the website, they fully accept the terms of the Agreement and accept, declare and commit to their membership to the website.
2.2. The Member states that all personal information provided to the website for registration is accurate and his or hers, otherwise it belongs to the party of all legal and criminal responsibility; In the event that Episode suffers any damages for this reason, he acknowledges, declares and undertakes that he will immediately, cashly and repeatedly inst for any damages at the time of the initial request without the need for a court order, and in such cases his membership may be terminated unilaterally by Episode.
2.3. The member will not share his username and password with third parties; the choice, privacy and protection of the username and password is entirely its responsibility; Episode accepts, declares and undertakes that it is absolutely not responsible for any problems arising from the use of usernames and passwords. The Member agrees that he has read, understood and arranged the Membership Lighting Text, and that the personal data he has shared and the login and link to the website and usage records and information, the data belonging to them, are stored, stored, backed up, deleted, recorded and controlled by Episode.
2.4. The e-mail address provided by the Member at the time of registration is specific to the Member and the Member has the right to create a single membership with this e-mail address; two different memberships cannot be made with the same e-mail address. Since the Member has the right to use the website only for personal purposes and in accordance with the powers and limits granted by Episode and its purpose, it cannot transfer and assign its membership to the website and its rights and obligations arising from this Agreement.
2.5. The Member agrees that he/she will use the service from the website in accordance with all applicable national and international legislation, the rules regarding internet use, the terms of use stated on the website and the provisions of this Agreement, and that he/she is responsible for all actions he/she will take on the website, including taking advantage of all services including access to the website, browsing the homepages and subpages, accessing all kinds of content, declares and undertakes. The Member will prevent such use and immediately notify Episode if there is inappropriate use by third parties with their own password; in the event that Episode violates the commitments contained in this article, Episode may terminate this Agreement immediately and without compensation without further notice; accepts, declares and undertakes that its membership will end in such a case and that Episode reserves the right to insify any damages.
2.6. The Member may not make transactions or intervene in a manner that damages, prevents or damages the sites, goods or services, software, database of Episode or its content, media or platform suppliers in any way; website in this way or in a way that prevents third parties from benefiting from Episode services. In this context, the Member will not disrupt or attempt to disrupt the operation of the website in any way, and will not damage the links, processing, devices and elements of the website, its data; Episode acknowledges, declares and undertakes that it will not modify, copy, share existing code, passwords and data other than for the purpose of use in relation to the programs and connections used by Episode and its affiliated or authorized persons.
2.7. The Member is fully responsible for the failures, loss of information and other losses he/she may cause on his own computer; it is its responsibility to ensure the security of all kinds of internet access, connections of electronic devices, wired, wireless, etc. that it uses to access the website and benefit from the services; accepts, declares and undertakes.
2.8. The Member in no way uses the website, the service provided to Episode, containing threats, atrocities, insults, harassing, pornographic, misleading, deceptive, incomplete and inaccurate elements against other users or against other persons, organizations, institutions, society or a segment of society; will not commit or make such remarks in accordance with the Turkish Penal Code and other legal regulations and international treaties, including but not limited to comments and information that incite and constitute criminal activity, racial and ethnic assault, which are considered crimes or misdemeanors; accepts, declares and undertakes that it will show the necessary sensitivity to prevent such actions and acts from occurring. All criminal and legal responsibility in this regard shall be the member’s own.
3.2. Episode has no responsibility for the products or services that are the subject of advertisements on the website and/or linked links.
3.3. Episode may unilaterally change the limit and shape of the use of the website and service, the forms of membership and the services available to the Member as he sees fit, without seeking the consent of the Member.
3.4. Episode may charge all or part of the website, certain services or all services in the future. The fact that the Member has previously benefited from a service does not mean that he or she will benefit from the same service again on the same terms.
3.5. Episode has no commitment that access to the website and the use of the services on the website by the Member will be continuous and/or uninterrupted, that the website and access will be safe and error-free, or that the (quality) of the services will be on the same terms.
3.6. Episode may temporarily suspend the accessibility of the website and the operation of the system or stop it completely without any time limitations when necessary. Episode has no responsibility towards the Member or any third party due to the temporary suspension or complete suspension of the system.
3.7. Episode has the authority to back up and delete the information, records, messages, texts, texts, if any, that the Member will keep on the pages of use during his use of the website, as he deems appropriate and during the periods he deems appropriate. The Member acknowledges, declares and undertakes that Episode has no obligations or responsibilities for these transactions and will not make any demands from Episode.
3.8. Episode has the right to publish all or part of the articles, messages, signs that the Member has created and uploaded/uploaded to the system voluntarily for publication during the chat, if any, for the purpose of promotion, announcement and/or to another address within the website that will be deemed appropriate by Episode. It is possible that this published information will be copied and/or published by other users/members, in which case the Member shall not claim any royalties, rights or receivables from Episode.
3.9. The information of the Members (visit time, time, pages displayed) can be followed by Episode in order to improve the quality of service. This information may be shared with the companies it cooperates with on advertising etc. in order to expand and improve the content, adhering to the privacy requirements. The aim here is to improve the experience and services that the website offers its users. The Member acknowledges and undertakes that he has read, understood and accepted the Cookie Lighting Text issued within this scope.
4.2. The Member may not copy, modify, display, share, disseminate, record, reproduce, process, distribute, market, rent, sell, or distribute the texts, images, all kinds of visual, auditory, audiovisual elements, interface and similar elements, all or part of the content, the intellectual and industrial products belonging to Episode and/or third parties from the website. May not make it available/available to third parties in any way and may not transmit it to third parties.
4.3. The Member acknowledges, declares and undertakes that he will not use or allow the use of the website content and products to the website, Episode, persons who own rights or works in accordance with the legal legislation and in a manner that causes material or moral damage to the third party or in violation of the legal legislation. The Member may not delete or remove copyright, trademark and any Notes of the Law of Ideas and Works of Art from any material copied or printed from the website and screenshot taken, and may not use the materials in violation of this article regulation.
4.4. If the Member violates the intellectual and industrial property rights of Episode or third parties with his conduct contrary to the commitments contained in Article 4, this Agreement may be terminated unilaterally by Episode immediately, without compensation, and shall be the sole subject if Episode and the third party beneficiaries face any legal, administrative or criminal sanctions or lawsuits, accepts, declares and undertakes that Episode will immediately, cashly and repeatedly insurg at the time of the initial request, without the need for a court order, for any material-moral, abominable damages and the costs that Episode will have to pay to third parties.
5.1. Episode has the right and authority to permanently or temporarily stop the service or privileges it provides to the Member in accordance with this Agreement, without giving any reason.
5.2. Episode may, at any time, modify the service, website and content, usage and purpose, use and publishing technique, extend, shorten, restrict or completely discontinu its use, make any changes to its intended use, and terminate or modify the Agreement and/or the Terms of Use.
5.3. If the Member violates any provision of the Agreement or the Terms of Use, Episode has the right and authority to impose the necessary sanctions, suspend membership, limit services and access in whole or in part, and terminate membership. In the event that the Member violates this Agreement, Episode accepts, declares and undertakes that it will immediately, cashly and repeatedly indefintly institude any material-spiritual, abominable, direct-indirect damages of Episode at the time of the initial request without the need for a court order.
5.4. The Member acknowledges and undertakes that even if he unilaterally cancels his membership or his membership is suspended or terminated by Episode, he/she will continue to be personally responsible to Episode and to third parties, institutions and organizations for the actions and acts he/she has taken during his membership.
5.5. The Member will be able to leave the membership at any time by forwarding the request to the address to unsubscride and delete their data.
6.1. The Member may not transfer and assign his rights and obligations under this Agreement to third parties.
6.2. Episode may transfer and assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part to others.
6.3. If any provision of this Agreement is revoked or is unlawful, this does not override the provisions of the Agreement other than those deemed invalid or inactible, and in the same way does not affect the application of invalid or non-performing provisions to other persons or circumstances that may be applicable. Any provision of the Agreement shall not be revoked or invalidated in this manner, and other provisions shall not affect the validity of its other provisions.
6.4. Episode may amend this Agreement at any time as it deems appropriate by posting it on its website, at its sole discretion and unilaterally. The amended provisions of this Agreement shall take effect on the date they are announced, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force.
8.1. Turkish Law shall be applied in the interpretation, implementation and resolution of disputes between the Member and Episode in the interpretation, implementation and resolution of disputes between the Member and Episode.
8.2. Istanbul (Kartal) Courts and Executive Directorates shall be authorized to resolve any disputes arising from the implementation of the Convention and the use of the service.
9.1. The e-mail address provided by the Member shall be accepted as the e-mail address to which the legal address will be requested for any notification to be made in relation to this agreement.
9.2. The Member agrees that requests and notifications to old e-mails will be valid and deemed to have been made to them unless the Member notified Episode in writing of the changes in their existing e-mails within 3 (three) days. Episode accepts, declares and undertakes that the change made at the e-mail address will be published immediately on the website, while the Member will follow this change.
9.3. It will be accepted that any notification to the registered e-mail address of the Member arrives one day after the e-mail is sent by Episode.
10.1. Member who has approved this Agreement by entering the Membership Information on the website; The delivery of SMS/text message, push notification, social media and other online advertising networks, automated calling, computer, telephone, fax, e-mail, bluetooth-other wireless networks and other electronic communication tools and commercial electronic messages and other messages for membership information, transactions and applications for various promotions, advertisements, promotions, sales and marketing purposes specific to all kinds of products and services in accordance with legal legislation. explicitly allows and approves.
10.2. The Member will be able to easily and freely leave the list of commercial message submissions by clicking on the link “Please click if you do not want to be informed about the campaign announcements” at the bottom of the e-mails sent to him by Episode or by referral link in the content of the SMS.
11.1. The Member acknowledges, declares and undertakes that he has read, understood, accepted all the articles of this Agreement, is obliged to act in accordance with the terms of the Agreement and electronically endorses the Agreement digitally through membership. With the member’s approval of the box marked “I have read and accepted the Membership Agreement” after receiving the username and password, the declaration of acceptance shall be recorded in Episode and the Agreement shall be deemed to have been established and entered into force for no time.
11.2. If deemed necessary by Episode, the Contract will be updated and published on the current Contract website. If Episode deems it necessary, he or she will be able to submit the text of the current contract to the Approval of the Member and request that the Member read and approve the changes in the terms of the Agreement by clicking the relevant button in order to benefit from the website and the services to be offered by Episode. The Member is obliged to follow the changes to the terms of the Agreement on the website and will not be able to claim that he does not know about these changes.
Caferağa Mah. Dr. Şakir Paşa Sok. No3/A Kadıköy İstanbul
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