Weekly Turkish TV Ratings | 28 May – 3 June 2024

The weekly Turkish TV ratings have been announced. During the week of May 28 – June 3, 2024, when Red Roses had its finale, the trend of Blooming Lady and One Love continued.
Weekly Turkish TV Ratings
Blooming Lady was once again at the top across all demographics. Starring Demet Evgar, Blooming Lady aired its 14th episode last week and received the following ratings:
- TOTAL – 8,41
- AB – 11,12
- ABC – 12,21
Following Blooming Lady in all categories was the 36th episode of the second season of One Love. The ratings for the latest episode of the series are as follows:
- TOTAL – 8,11
- AB – 10,26
- ABC – 10,23

Source: Dizilah