Interview: Talented Actor of ‘Family Secrets’ Mehmet Yılmaz Ak

Mehmet Yılmaz Ak is one of the most talented and popular actors of the last couple of years. Although his fame seems to increase with his role as Prosecutor Pars in the series Family Secrets, he has a strong acting background. While the TV series market is full of young actors, there is only a few that will be remembered by their characters. Those who can achieve that are professionals, for sure. We are happy to present our interview with Mehmet Yılmaz Ak to our readers.
You are a very spectacular actor, I haven’t met an actor who looks different from the one we watch on the screen for a long time. This is of course due to your convicing acting. Prosecutor Pars for example… I was expecting to see someone similar to Pars but I was surprised when I met a smiling, caring and calm person. The first thing I thought after meeting you was how young you actually are. How does one manage to act like a prosecutor in his 45s when he is still young?
Thank you, I take it as an compliment. I hear this a lot. Hair, makeup and costume also have an effect on looking 45 years old. I had to play a 4-year-old girl in a play. When I asked Cüneyt Türel for advice, he said “You cannot become a 4-year-old but you can make people believe that you are.” I try to believe in the character I play and make people believe me. I am happy if I can achieve this goal.

Family Secrets has been a much watched and talked about project with its new season. In this new season, Pars stands out even more with this pain, his new relationship and him being the chief prosecutor. We also watch how he acts in a friendship. Which matters do you think Family Secrets is touching? What are your opinions about Pars?
Pars has been through some challenges and he continues to go so. That’s the exciting part of this job for me. I don’t thrive in routine. I also wonder how he will react under different conditions. This uncertainty and different conditions make the character feel more alive.

You have been in the spotlight all summer, I’m sure it continues too. How did this affect your day-to-day life? Is this interest about Pars, or you? Can you tell it apart?
Yes, the character I play in Family Secrets, Pars, had an effect for sure. Of course the attention is very nice and makes me happy but I try to live my life the same way I did before. I think this interest is due to curiosity people hold for Pars, the actor of a series they like.

Where does such realism in your character come from? It is as if you and Presecutor Pars are the same people. Just like Tuncel Kurtiz is known as Ramiz, Perran Kutman is still Perihan, I think you’ll be known as Prosecutor Pars for a long time. Are you ready for it?
It is nice to make a place in people’s memory and to be integrated with a character. This is a motivating thing for me about the credibility of the character I play. But if you ask if I am ready, I am certainly not. I see myself at the beginning of my career and I have a long way to go. After Pars, I hope I will accumulate great characters that will be remembered. I am working on this and I will continue to do so.

Family Secrets was adapted for Greek TV by Pelin Akat. It is broadcast three days a week for 40 minutes per episode. Did you watch it?
Yes, I watched a few scenes of it. It’s something to be proud of, for sure. It is also very exiciting to watch how another actor interprets the same character.